When creating a Payroll Export, Time Portal will help you to identify potential payroll issues such as multiple payrolls for an employee during the same period or overlapping work times.
Before the Payroll Export is actually created, you may preview payroll information as well as a Validation tab that provides warnings of possible issues.
These warnings are informational only and will not prevent you from continuing with the Payroll Export.
As discussed in Weekly Overtime and Minimum Wage for Piece Work, information such as Minimum Wage Makeup and Weekly Overtime must be calculated for an entire pay period using company settings such as Pay Period Length and Pay Period Start Day.
You may notice a warning on certain reports and also when creating a Payroll Export if you select ranges of dates that do not correspond to complete pay period(s).
Once you've selected options for creating a Payroll Export, Time Portal will also check for the following:
- Other Time Sheets
It is important that all activity for each employee within the payroll is captured within the same Payroll Export.
As illustrated above, Time Portal will let you know whether other Time Sheets, for the same pay period, include activity for employees on the current payroll export. In this example, the Time Sheet was not included because it had not yet been approved.
- Makeup Pay
Minimum wage makeup pay is calculated using the hours and pieces for the pay period. If a Time Sheet, including piece work, is not included in the payroll export, a warning will be displayed along with a hyperlink to the other Time Sheet. - Weekly Overtime Pay
If any activity involves a wage rule requiring weekly overtime pay, Time Portal will provide a warning if other Time Sheets are detected in the payroll period since these could affect weekly overtime pay. - Overlapping Times
Like the Audit feature on the Time Sheet Screen, the Payroll Export screen will identify overlapping times for each employee. This helps to ensure that an employee is not inadvertently paid twice for the same work. In the above illustration for example, the same employee was clocked into two separate time sheets at the same time.
As mentioned above, the presence of warnings is informational and will not prevent the Payroll Export. As illustrated below, the Payroll History screen will include the validation information which was identified at the time the Payroll was exported. If needed, the Payroll Export can be cancelled and re-processed once the validation issues are addressed.
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