This article covers the process of creating a new child company, configuring it to use the Prism payroll provider, and then setting the required Prism settings.
Step 1 - Creating a child company
While logged in to the Master Company (parent company), select the "Create Company" option from the drop-menu to the right of the "person icon". As illustrated, enter the name of the new child company and click Save.
Step 2 - Switch to the new child company
After creating the new child company, the "Companies" screen will be displayed and will include the newly created child company. As illustrated, click the drop-down menu and select "Switch Company" to switch to the new child company.
Step 3 - Load the Payroll Settings screen for the new child company
After switching to the child company, the Dashboard screen will be displayed. Notice the name of the child company is now displayed at the top of the screen (blurred out in the illustration.) Click the "Payroll Settings" option on the Modules drop-down menu as illustrated.
Step 4 - Select the Payroll Template to use with the new child company
The Payroll Settings screen will appear as illustrated below. Click the green "Select a Payroll Template" button to continue.
Step 5 - Select the Prism Payroll Template
As illustrated, select the Prism Payroll Template then click Save.
Step 6 - Review the Prism Payroll Template Settings
After selecting the Prism Payroll Template, notice that several Prism-specific settings are displayed. Do not attempt to Retrieve Employees (from Prism) just yet as an additional step (Step 7) is required.
As illustrated, select the My Company option from the drop-down menu to display the settings for your Child Company.
Step 7 - Set the Prism Client ID in the Company Settings Screen
On the child company's "My Company" screen, select the "Prism" tab which is now available since you've chosen the Prism Payroll template in Step 5. Click the Edit button and enter the Client Id for the child company in the "Client Id" field as illustrated.
Note that other fields such as Peo Id, API Username, API Password and such are inherited from the Master (Parent) company and therefore are not required herein (unless you want to change the way you access the Prism API.)
All done - Try it out
Feel free to go back to the Payroll Settings Screen (Modules Menu) to try out the "Retrieve Employees" option.
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