The following updates are included in this release.
- Item 346: Time Sheet Record Dates can now be changed
- Item 347: When a job is changed on a time sheet record, the weighted hourly rate and minimum wage rate can be optionally re-applied to the selected records.
- Item 492: Employees List, and others, can now be filtered by multiple columns
- Item 493: Hourly Rate and Minimum Wage Rates on a time sheet can now be optionally updated when the Wage Rule is changed.
- Item 542: Ability to customize viewable columns on all grids
- Item 556: Time sheet edit/bulk edit no longer changes screens but instead uses a modal dialog.
- Item 560: More advanced filters have been added to all the list screens.
- Item 561: Time Sheet screen now makes it apparent that a record is missing data.
- Item 588: Time Sheet Record Notes can now be added/edited on the time sheet screen.
- Item 635: The time sheet record edit window now displays a warning message if dates don't match the time sheet
- Item 441: Additional info messages have been added to Hourly Rate, Minimum Wage Rate and Piece Rate fields on the edit/bulk edit time sheet record screen for clarification.
- Item 528: Time records that have 0 hours worked are now highlighted
- Item 551: Cached employee count and totals are now re-calculated when records are deleted.
- Item 567: Time Sheet Records "Modified On" column now stamps current date into log table.
- Item 633: Time In and Out fields no longer display as required fields on the bulk edit screen.
- Item 634: Time sheet dates are now empty when bulk editing records in case user wants to change dates.
- New: Removed sidebar and expanded screen real estate for apps. Moved Filters into a slide out panel.
- New: Table settings are now stored under user accounts. They can be cleared and reconfigured on demand.
- New: Bulk Editing within grids is now enabled under the "More" menu and then clicking "Bulk Edit".
- New: Consistent user interface and experience has been created across the application.
The following sections provide details on each of these updates.
Item 346: Time Sheet Record Dates can now be changed
Time sheet record dates can now be changed when editing a single record or bulk editing multiple records. The Time In Date must match the time sheet date. The Time Out Date can be changed to any date equivalent to or after the time sheet date. Other dates in the calendar control will be disabled.
Item 347: When a job is changed on a time sheet record, the weighted hourly rate is now optionally re-applied to the selected records.
If hourly or minimum wage rates have been applied at the job level, it may be necessary to reapply the rate in order to update the rate to the new job's rate. When changing the job of a time sheet record, Time Portal will now issue a prompt asking the user whether or not the weighted rate should be reapplied.
Item 492: Employees List, and others, can now be filtered and sorted by multiple columns
In addition to the multi-column search filter, Time Portal now offers the ability to search by multiple columns. To enable multi-column filtering, click "More", then click "Enable Column Filters".
A vertical ellipsis will appear next to each column. This ellipsis can be clicked to access the filter options.
Sorting by multiple columns can be achieved by holding the "Ctrl" button on the keyboard and clicking the columns to be sorted. Clicking a column multiple times will adjust the direction of the sort and also clear the sort.
Item 493: Hourly Rate and Minimum Wage Rates on a time sheet can now be optionally updated when the Wage Rule is changed.
When a Wage Rule is changed on a time sheet, Time Portal will prompt the user asking if the weighted rates should be re-applied. If the rates are being pulled from the Wage Rule, it may be necessary to pull new rates from the newly assigned Wage Rule.
Item 542: Ability to customize viewable columns on all grids
All grid columns in Time Portal can now be customized by clicking the column button at the top right corner of any grid. This dropdown menu will supply a list of available columns. All changes to a grid will be saved and stored under the users account.
Columns can also be rearranged in any order by clicking on a column and dragging it to the desired position.
Columns can also be resized by clicking on the column border and dragging it to the desired width.
Columns can be grouped by clicking "More" and then clicking "Enable Grouping". Then click and drag a column into the grouping header.
Item 556: Time sheet add/edit/bulk edit no longer changes screens but instead uses a modal dialog.
When editing a time sheet, changes to the time records are performed inside a modal dialog vs. navigating to a separate page. This will improved the user experience and efficiency of the time sheet screen.
Item 560: More advanced filters have been added to all the list screens.
All columns within a grid can now be filtered individually improving the search experience within Time Portal. (see above examples)
Item 561: Time Sheet screen now makes it apparent that a record is missing data.
Time Portal will now highlight missing time in and out times on a time sheet record making it apparent that action is required to fix the issue.
Item 588: Time Sheet Record Notes can now be added/edited on the time sheet screen.
Time Sheet Record Notes have been added to the add/edit/bulk edit dialog allowing the user to make changes to these values.
Item 635: The time sheet record edit window now displays a warning message if dates don't match the time sheet
The add/edit/bulk edit dialog will now issue a warning message if the time out date does not match the time sheet. It is not required that the date match the time sheet in situations like an overnight shift however, we are issuing the warning in order to avoid accidental mistakes.
Item 441: Additional info messages have been added to Hourly Rate, Minimum Wage Rate and Piece Rate fields on the edit/bulk edit time sheet record screen for clarification.
Additional info messages have been added to avoid confusion when updating Hourly Rate, Minimum Wage Rate and Piece Rate values on the time sheet record.
Item 528: Time records that have 0 hours worked are now highlighted
Time Sheet Records that have 0 hours will now be highlighted in order to draw attention to the record.
Item 551: Cached employee count and totals are now re-calculated when records are deleted.
Time sheet summary totals at the top of the time sheet screen are now being recalculated when a time sheet record is deleted.
Item 633: Time In and Out fields no longer display as required fields on the bulk edit screen.
Time In and Out fields were originally display as being required when bulk editing records. Now they are displayed with required asterisks only when adding new Time Sheet Records.
Item 634: Time sheet dates are now empty when bulk editing records in case user wants to change dates.
The time in and out dates were originally prefilled with the time sheet's date when bulk editing records. They are now initially empty and need only be filled in when intentionally changing the date.
New: Removed sidebar and expanded screen real estate for apps. Moved Filters into a slide out panel.
The gray sidebar that housed grid list filters was removed and the filters were placed into a slide out panel. This panel is accessible by clicking on the Filter button above the grid. The sidebar was removed to increase the screen real estate for the web app.
Tip: The slide-out panel can also be closed by clicking the grayed-out screen to the right of the panel.
New: Table settings are now stored under user accounts. They can be cleared and reconfigured on demand.
Adding or removing columns to a table, reordering or resizing columns, enabling or disabling column filters or grouping will all cause these configurations to be saved under a users account. Each grid saves its own copy of settings so that each grid within Time Portal can be customized without affecting another. These settings can be cleared and the grid defaults restored by clicking "More" then clicking "Clear Table Settings".
New: Bulk Editing within grids is now enabled under the "More" menu and then clicking "Bulk Edit".
Bulk editing is now consistently accessible under the "More" menu by clicking on Bulk Editing.
New: Consistent user interface and experience has been created across the application.
Pages where records are added or associated with other records such as adding an employee to a crew or adding employees to a contract have been redesigned to have a consistent experience across the application.
Records that are being added will be loaded in a modal dialog. These dialogs will display records which are NOT currently associated with the parent record. Selecting records in these dialogs will add the records to the parent.
Associated records can be removed by clicking the ellipsis under the action column and clicking the remove button or by putting the grid into Bulk Edit mode, selecting multiple records, and then clicking remove.
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