- Added Crew Name to the worker contract employees table.
Added additional error checking to time sheet import.
Added Crew fields to Worker Contract Summary report.
Added worker comp code to Centerpoint export.
Time sheet import history screen now drops less important columns when on a smaller screen resolution.
Time sheet import now issues warning messages when similar files names are selected for import.
Time sheet import history screen now shows the actual file name vs. archive name.
- New "Worker Summary" Report provides a summary of pieces, hours and pay for each worker/job.
- New "Pieces By Period" Report provides a page for each worker that identifies the number of pieces per week.
Minimum Wage now updates appropriately when wage record is removed or changed.
- Times are no longer affected when a wage rule is changed on the time sheet.
Time sheet records are presorted but, clicking on a column will now clear the sort and only sort by 1 column.
New Hours Offered screen now pulls in reason codes from the tablet.
Worker Contract Employees list now updates without error. Employee dates and total hours are now retained when the list is updated.
Worker Contract Summary now does not fail with an error when no hours offered records are in the table for the contract.
Time Zones are better respected on the Time Sheet screen. Time Zone Offset Minutes on about tab no longer issues error when saving.
- Login page now displays the correct ending year.
Job create form now respects pay type. Bug was causing piece rate input not to be displayed with pay type was set to piece or hour and piece.
- Payroll provider tab is now hidden when a provider is not selected.
Hours Offered screen now allows you to remove reason codes in bulk.
Hours Offered screen now allows you to set hours offered to zero in bulk.
Hours Offered screen now respects reason codes selected on the tablet even when the hours worked is set to zero.
Changed the Time Portal icon to a word in the navigation menu.
Added decoding on company names. This allows proper display of special characters like "&".
- Default "No Show" is no longer only refused hours.
- Split pieces no longer issues an error on the Time Sheet screen.
Time sheet records can no longer be selected or edited when time sheet is approved.
- Split Records screen out of bounds errors now respect dates.
- Total Hours no longer get set to zero when removing a value.
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