Note: If you do not see these changes, please hit Ctrl + F5 on your keyboard while in your web browser.
1. New Billing features allow you to create new billing reports. Please see article Time Portal's Billing Features for more information.
1. Some grids have been updated to improve screen real-estate.
2. Other user interface elements have been adjusted to improve screen real-estate.
3. Angular and other front end libraries have been upgraded to latest version.
4. Create forms have been replaced with entity detail components. Now create and edit screens match.
5. Worker Contract screen has been updated to improve the user experience.
- Add/Remove Employees button has been replaced by "Add Employees". A modal window is now opened that lists all active employees that are not on the current contract. Screen has been improved to not refresh the entire grid causing page jumps.
- Individual records can be removed or edited by hovering the mouse over the row. An ellipsis will display on the far right column. Clicking the ellipsis will open a dropdown menu with options to edit and remove employee from contract.
- Multi-select mode can be turned on by clicking the icon on the top right corner of the grid. Multiple records can now be removed or edited at once.
- A new modal window will be displayed allowing the user to edit the Start Date, End Date and Total Hours for multiple employees. This data can also be cleared. Instructions are located in the app.
6. Crew can now be changed on the Time Sheet.
1. Piece Rate no longer shows on the Job detail screen when the pay type is hour.
2. Travel time is no longer considered when calculating make up pay.
3. Daily Employee Detail Report no longer displays hours as currency.
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