This article will cover how to set up billing rates for a grower.
1. Click Lists, then click Growers.
2. Click anywhere on an existing Grower. If you haven't previously set up a Grower, you will first need to create one.
3. On the Grower record, click Add Job on the Jobs tab. Note: If you do not have a Jobs tab, please contact to sign up for the Time Portal Billing Module.
4. A pop-up window will be displayed. Select a Job from the drop-down menu.
5. Select a Bill Rate Type. This controls how Time Portal will calculate billing totals for this Job. For more information on Bill Rate Types, please see Understanding the different Bill Rate Types.
6. Depending on the Bill Rate Type previously selected, enter a Bill Rate or a Percentage Markup. Note: Either a Bill Rate or a Percentage Markup entry box will be displayed on the screen, based on which Bill Rate Type is selected.
7. Click Save when done.
The Job has now been added to the Grower.
Note: A Grower cannot have the same Job added twice. This is to prevent duplicate data. If a duplicate Job record is added to a Grower, Time Portal will issue the following error.
Happy Time Keeping!
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