A Time Sheet is divided into two sections. The top section identifies the (1) Time Sheet Criteria - Time Sheet Number, Crew, Status (In-Process, Punch Review, Uploaded, Approved, Complete), Wage Rule, Time Sheet Date and a (2) summary of the hours, pieces and pay for the Time Sheet.
The Crew, Wage Rule and Date can be edited by selecting the Edit button.
The buttons in the upper right hand corner Affect the Entire Time Sheet.
1. Void - voids the Time Sheet but keeps it in the Time Sheet lists.
2. Approve - Marks the Time Sheet as approved and edits can no longer be performed. It is ready to be processed through payroll.
3. Print - provides a Time Sheet Detail or Time Sheet Summary report for this Time Sheet.
4. Delete - deletes the entire Time Sheet and removes it for the Time Sheet List.
The bottom section of the Time Sheet is made up of the Time Sheet records and Time Sheet Tabs (1). The Time Sheet records are the recorded details of the employees work for the day. Each Time Sheet record has a Time In and a Time Out. If an employee moves from one job, location or crop to another or clocks out and back in from lunch, they will have multiple Time Sheet Records (2).
Each Time Sheet record can be edited. If for example, the wrong Location, Crop or Job was selected when clocking in an employee, this can be changed. Also the time in and out, piece count, hourly rate, piece rate and minimum wage can be edited.
When you select a Time Sheet Record by clicking the square on the left of the record, additional editing buttons appear at the bottom of the Time Sheet.
The buttons at the bottom of the Time Sheet are for the selected Time Sheet records and Do Not affect the entire Time Sheet.
1. Edit - Enables you to edit the selected Time Sheet Record. (Time In, Time Out, Piece Count, Wage Rate, Minimum Wage Rate, Location, Job and Crop)
2. Break - Lets you enter a period during the shift that is unpaid (i.e. Lunch)
3. Delete - Permanently removes the selected Time Sheet Record from the Time Sheet.
4. Void - Voids the selected record but leaves it on the Time Sheet.
5. Reset - Resets a voided record back to active.
The Time Sheet Tabs
In the bottom section of the Time Sheet, there are several tabs that provide additional information for the Time Sheet.
1. Grouped Records - gives a summary of every shift worked on the Time Sheet. Information includes how many employees worked the shift, and the total hour worked, hourly rate, minimum wage, piece rate, location, crop/variety and the job worked on the shift. If one item is different on the shift, for example an employee has a different start time or works a different location, his shift will be listed separately. In the example below, eleven employees worked the 08:00 AM - 04:00 PM shift, but one had a different wage rate so the shift is listed separately.
You can add a new time record from the Summary screen by clicking "Add Record". This information can also be exported to an Excel spreadsheet by clicking the "More" button and then clicking "Export to Excel".
2. Details - Time Sheet record details for all employees. This is where all edits are performed.
3. Notes - Notes can be added to a Time Sheet in the Mobile App by a crew leader and when the Time Sheet is uploaded, the notes will display under the Notes tab. Notes can also be add by the individual editing the Time Sheet. To add a note:
- Click on the Notes tab.
- Click Add notes.
- Enter the desired notes.
- Click the Save button.
4. Audit - The Audit is informational only for the user reviewing the time sheet. The purpose is to bring their attention to possible issues. It is not necessary to clear them unless there is a problem (for example the worker appears on 2 time sheets with crossing shifts.) as they do not appear anywhere else.
In the example below, Arturo and David appear on two separate Time Sheets (Time Sheet #623 and Time Sheet #634). The user will want to verify which of their shifts worked is correct and delete the incorrect shift from the associated Time Sheet.
5. Attachments - Use this feature to upload pictures or documents related to a time sheet. Comments can be added to the uploaded file by clicking anywhere on the row. The attachment can be reviewed by clicking the hyperlink.
To add an Attachments:
- Click the Add Attachment button.
- Select the file to be uploaded.
- Click anywhere on the row to add a comment and press Save.
6. About - This tab tell you where the Time Sheet was created (Mobile, Web, Import, Punch Mode), and the Time Zone Offset which determines the time zone that the Time Sheet was created in.
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