The Clock In screen supports web application settings that determine whether the Location and Crop Variety should be optional when clocking employees into work activities.
As illustrated below, the Job is always required but the mobile policies on the "My Company" page of the web application have been used to specify that the Crop Variety is optional and the Location is required.
The red asterisk indicates that the Job and Location are required and have not yet been provided. Once a job and location have been selected, the red asterisks will disappear.
Notice the Crop Variety does not have a red asterisk, even though a variety has not been selected. This is an indication that the Crop Variety is optional. If you tap "Please select variety", the list will include the option "No Crop/Variety" which allows you to unselect a previously selected value.
To see how this works, turn on the "optional" switch for the Location and/or Crop Variety on the Mobile Policies tab of the "My Company" page within the web application (if you have enabled Locations and/or Crop Varieties.) Synchronize the mobile device to retrieve company settings and then clock in a worker.
Check out the Web Release Update Notes for information on the new web application settings which support this behavior.
Default Clock In Parameters
The Clock In screen supports web application settings that define a default Job, Location and/or Crop Variety for an Employee, his Crew or for the Company.
As illustrated below, the selected Job and selected Location have been set to "Use Default" which is an option in the list of Jobs, Locations and/or Crop Varieties when the feature has been enabled in the web application. When the Ok button is tapped, the three employees will be clocked in using rules which have been defined in the web application. For each employee, Time Portal will check for a default job on the Employee record, then for his Crew and finally for the Company. It will do the same for "Location" and will leave the Crop Variety blank.
Consider an example where the default location for the Crew has been set to "Field 101" while the default job for this Crew is "Harvesting" and the default job for the employee, Misael is "Crew Leader". When the Ok button is tapped, the three employees shown below will be clocked in as follows:
- Fernando and Jaime will be clocked into the job "Harvesting" at "Field 101" because a default job and location have been specified for their Crew.
- Misael will be also be clocked into the location "Field 101" but because a default job has been specified in his Employee record, he will be clocked into the job "Crew Leader".
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