Reason codes in Time Portal help us track our 3/4 guarantee for H-2A workers. Below are step by step instructions on how to configure Time Portal for H-2A workers and also how to apply reason codes.
1. To apply reason codes on a time sheet, we first need to ensure that Track H-2A Workers is turned on in our company settings.
Need more how-to information on turning this feature on? Please visit: Configure your company settings
2. We need to add our worker contracts into the system. Worker contracts can be setup under the lists menu.
a. Next, click on the green Create Worker Contract button.
Below is an image of an example contract. We need to make sure we calculate our "Total" contract hours for the specified time period. This number is used when ensuring we meet the 3/4 guarantee.
b. After our contract is added, we need to add our employees to the contract. This can be accomplished in two ways. First, we can click the Add/Remove Employees button located on the contract and then select each employee for the contract.
The second method, is to use the Import Spreadsheet. The import spreadsheet allows us to copy the contract number into the Contract Number column on the employees tab and then import that data into Time Portal. This will update each employee record with the appropriate contract number.
3. We need to ensure that our workers are marked as being H-2A. To quickly update our workers if we haven't already, we can use the Import Spreadsheet again to mark each worker with TRUE, 1, y, or yes under the Is H2A column. (see above image)
4. Next, lets setup our reason codes. Reason codes can be added under the lists menu. We can add as many reasons as we wish. The important part to understand is the flag on each reason code called Hours Refused. If this flag is on, this tells the system that the worker refused hours and to count those refused hours towards that worker's 3/4 guarantee. If the flag is off, the missed hours are excused and do not count towards that worker's 3/4 guarantee.
5. Now, Time Portal is ready to start tracking your H2A workers. Hours Offered records are generated whenever a time sheet is approved.
Time Portal uses settings on the My Company Page to calculate default hours offered values when creating Hours Offered records.
As illustrated above, default value types include "Worker Contract" which defaults the worker contract hours for the particular work day (Mon, Tue, Wed, etc.) Other defaults include actual hours worked, average hours for the crew or a specific hard-coded value.
6. Although Hours Offered records are auto-generated, it is necessary to use the Hours Offered Screen to provide reason codes for employees that do not work sufficient hours. As shown below, the Hours Offered Screen includes columns such as "Is Refused", "Applicable Hours" and "Refused Hours" to highlight the effect of applied reason codes.
7. Bulk editing can be accomplished by simply selecting one or more rows with the check boxes (or by holding Shift while clicking the first and last row) then clicking the Edit button. As illustrated below, a pop up window will allow for selecting a reason code and/or hours offered value that will be applied to all selected records. When the pop-up screen is dismissed, the list is updated with the changes but does not lose it's sort order or position on the page.
Time Portal allows for bulk updating hours offered values based on the employee's hours worked, average hours worked for the crew, worker contract hours for the day, or a specified value.
The Hours Offered list can be sorted by multiple columns in order to easily identify employees whose hours worked require a reason code. The Clear Sort button can be used to reset sorting to a default order.
8. Once we are done reviewing our daily records, we can run the Worker Contract Summary report located under the Report menu to see how the workers are meeting their 3/4 guarantee.
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