After each active employee has clocked in/out and approved their own Time Sheet records, the Time Sheet for the entire crew can be “Uploaded” if the Time Portal Mobile app has a network connection. Although Time Portal Mobile will synchronize data real-time if it has a network connection, the process of uploading a completed Time Sheet is used by the Crew Leader to indicate that all entries have been collected and the Time Sheet should be considered complete.
Tap the Upload button
In the illustration below, the Ready to upload indicator appears for the first crew since ten (11) employees have Clocked in, ten (11) have Clocked out and ten (11) have Approved their Time Sheet records. The second crew does not have the same number Clocked In, Clocked out and Approved and is therefore not Ready to upload.
If at least one of the crew's time sheet indicates Ready to Upload you may tap the Upload button to upload the Time Sheet with a status of Uploaded. Once a Time Sheet has been uploaded, it cannot be changed by Time Portal Mobile but can be modified in the Time Portal Web application by an administrator or user with appropriate rights.
If Time Portal Mobile does not have network connectivity, an error message will display Unable to upload time sheets while offline and it will be necessary to try again once Internet access is available.
Once a Time Sheet has been uploaded, the Uploaded status indicator will appear as illustrated below.
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