Employee’s time sheet records must be approved before a Time Sheet can be considered complete. Depending on your business practices, employee signatures, reason codes and comments may be required during the approval process.
The Approval feature provides an easy way to review and approve the hours and piece counts for each employee at the end of each day.
Depending on your business practices, you may require signatures during the approval process. Below are two different processes for approving employees time based on if signatures are required or not.
Approving Time Sheets with Signatures turned off
To approve employee time sheet records with signatures turned off:
1. Start by tapping the Menu button to slide out a tray of menu options.
2. Tap the employees that you wish to approve or tap the Select All/None button to select all employees.
3. Once you have the employees selected that you wish to approve, tap the Approve Selected button. This will approve all workers selected.
Note: because signatures are turned off and you are approving multiple workers at a time, the review screen will not be shown.
Approving Time Sheets with Signatures turned on
To approve employee time sheet records with signatures turned on:
1. Start by tapping the Menu button to slide out a tray of menu options.
2. Tap the Individual Approvals button. This will take you to the Approvals Screen. The approvals screen will list all your workers. Here you can tap the worker to begin the approval process.
3. Tap on a worker to approve that workers records. Tapping an employee record will display the Approve Time Sheet screen for that employee. Note: the worker list on this screen can be formatted based on your own personal settings. Please see "article" for more information on how your employee data will be displayed.
The Approve Time Sheet screen
This screen provides the details for each job performed by the employee including the time in/out, location, job name, piece count and crop variety. If the job requires a signature, it will be shown as well.
As illustrated:
1. Notes can be entered on an individual time sheet record. An example would be that the worker was accidentally clocked in late.
2. The Employee can toggle the Accepted switch to Not accepted if there is a disagreement on that particular record. This will flag the office staff on the website that there is an issue with this record.
3. The piece count and piece rate for the job can be changed by tapping on the blue text values.
4. If using H2A workers and tracking worker contracts through the system, a reason code can be provided if the worker did not meet his contract hours for the day.
5. Tapping the Submit button will approve the workers records. If signatures are on, a signature box will be displayed for the worker to sign. Once the records are approved, the records will be locked and cannot be changed.
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