The Travel Time Summary report breaks out travel time hours vs. worked hours. Only time sheets that have a Job defined as Travel are included on this report. The report is generated in an excel spreadsheet format and contains both the Time Travel Detail and Time Travel Summary reports.
To print the Travel Time Summary report, click the Reports drop-down menu at the top of the screen. Then click Travel Time Summary.
Like most of the reports, the Travel Time Summary report can be printed by Start and End Date (usually the pay period dates), Crew, Employees, Jobs, Location and Crop/Variety, Time Sheet Status (Uploaded, Approved, Complete), Report Type (the report is generated as an Excel Spreadsheet). If nothing is selected, the report will include all data (i.e. all crews, all employees, all jobs etc.). Make the desired selections and click Get Report.
The report is generated in an excel spreadsheet format and contains both the Time Travel Detail (1) and Time Travel Summary reports. The detail report is ordered by Crew (2) then Time Sheet (3). It displays the time sheet detail for each employee, the Hours Worked (4), the Travel Time (5) and Total Hours (6).
At the bottom of the spreadsheet, click on the Travel Time Summary (1) to view the summary report. The summary prints by Crew (2) with one line per employee for the date range specified. The summary does not give the time sheet detail, but displays the total worked hours by Date (3), total Travel Time hours (4) for the date range and then finally the Total combined hours (5) for the date range.
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