The Payroll Job Summary provides the payroll detail for each job the employee worked during the specified date range. (usually the pay period dates)
To print the Payroll Job Summary report, click the Reports drop-down menu at the top of the screen. Then click Payroll Job Summary.
The Payroll Job Summary provides multiple options for generating the report. It can be printed by Start and End Date (usually the pay period dates), Crew, Query Type (select how the crew information will be looked up, by Time Sheet, Assigned, or Employee), Employees, Jobs, Location and Crop/Variety, Time Sheet Status (Uploaded, Approved, Complete), Wage Rule (If wage rules are used, you must select which wage rule to run the report for), Order By (the report can be sorted by Employee#, First Name, or Last Name), and Report Type, (the report can be generated as a PDF or Excel Spreadsheet). Except for Wage Rule, if nothing is selected, the report will include all data (i.e. all crews, all employees, all jobs etc.). Make the desired selections and click Get Report.
All payroll detail for the employees is listed by the Jobs (1) performed for the date range specified. The Regular Hours worked, Hourly Rate, total Hourly Pay, Piece Quantity, Piece Rate, total Piece Pay and total Pay (2) (total Hourly Pay + total Piece Pay).
The summary at the bottom of each employee’s detail displays the Hours Offered (3) (used in the calculation of the ¾ guarantee for H2A workers), Total Hours (4) (Hourly Hours + Piece Hours) Minimum Required Pay (5) (Regular Pay + Minimum Wage Adjustment), and the Minimum Wage Adjustment (6) (if the piece pay is less than minimum wage, this is the amount added to the piece pay to bring it up to minimum wage).
The report can be given to the employee for their review and Signature (7).
With piece pay, Time Portal can be set up to calculate the Minimum Wage Adjustment. If the employee does not earn enough in piece pay to make at least minimum wage, Time Portal will calculate the difference between the piece pay and minimum wage and display it as the Minimum Wage Adjustment on the report.
If Overtime is defined in the Wage Rule, additional columns appear on the report for the various Overtimes. For each of the three types of Overtime (1), the OT Hours, OT Rate and OT Pay (OT Hours X OT Rate) display. In the subtotals at the bottom, the Overtime Pay (2) is displayed and added to the Regular Pay to get Gross Pay (3).
The last page of the report provides the Gross Total pay for the parameters specified.
NOTE: 1. For the Overtime to be calculated and the OT columns to appear on the report, an Overtime rule must be defined in the Wage Rule.
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