The Payroll Summary is a very useful report providing an overview of the pay for each employee for the date range specified. Depending on the filters used, for example crew or job, you can quickly see total hours, wages, pieces, piece wages, makeup pay and gross pay.
To print the Payroll Summary report, click the Reports drop-down menu at the top of the screen. Then click Payroll Summary.
The Payroll Summary provides multiple options for generating the report. It can be printed by Start and End Date (usually the pay period dates), Crew, Query Type (select how the crew information will be looked up, by Time Sheet, Assigned, or Employee), Employees, Jobs, Location and Crop/Variety, Time Sheet Status (Uploaded, Approved, Complete), Wage Rule (If wage rules are used, you must select which wage rule to run the report for), and Report Type, (the report can be generated as a PDF or Excel Spreadsheet). Except for Wage Rule, if nothing is selected, the report will include all data (i.e. all crews, all employees, all jobs etc.). Make the desired selections and click Get Report.
The Header Section (1) of the Payroll Summary displays the parameters selected to print the report. There is one line per employee (2) with their payroll totals for the Date Range specified (usually the pay period dates). These include total Hours, Hourly Wages, Pieces, Piece Wages, the Makeup pay for the pay period and the total Pay for each. All columns are totaled at the bottom of the report (3).
The Payroll Summary summarizes the jobs worked and does not display each job individually. It can be printed by Job to get a specific calculation of the number of employees, hours and wages dedicated to the specified Job.
If overtime is defined in a Wage Rule, then columns for OT Hours (1) and OT Wages for each of the three types of overtime displays.
Note: 1. For the Overtime to be calculated and the OT columns to appear on the report, an Overtime rule must be defined in the Wage Rule.
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