The Daily Employee Detail provides details including clock-in times, Location, Crop Variety, Job, Pieces, Piece Rate, Piece Pay, Hours, Hourly Pay, Makeup Pay and Adjusted Pay for each employee, grouped by date. This report is available as a PDF or Excel file.
To print the Daily Employee Detail, click the Reports drop-down menu at the top of the screen. Then click Daily Employee Detail.
The Daily Employee Detail provides multiple options for generating the report. They include Date Range, Start and End Date (usually the pay period dates), Crew, Employees, Jobs, Grower, Location and Crop/Variety, Time Sheet Status (In Process, Uploaded, Void, Declined, Approved, Complete), Report Type, (the report can be generated as a PDF or Excel Spreadsheet) and destination (File, Window or Queue). If File is selected, a PDF is generated in the downloads directory. Window displays on the screen and Queue is selected for large quantities of data and is queued to be processed in the background. If nothing is selected, the report will include all data (i.e. all crews, all employees, all jobs etc.). Make the desired selections and click Get Report.
The report lists all employee activity for each date to provide a comparison of employee performance for each date.
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