When in Crew Mode, the Android and IOS version of Time Portal will allow multiple employees to be clocked in, clocked out and approved at one time.
The Employees View and the Time Sheet page include options to help crew leaders easily select multiple employees for such bulk operations. The Time Sheet page is suited to bulk operations for employees of a single crew. The Employees view, shown below, is suited for bulk operations across crews and Time Sheets.
- The ellipsis menu (on Android) or Filter option (on IOS) displays a menu for filtering the list to include only employees that are clocked in, clocked out, have activity or are approved. The menu will also include options for showing only employees that are on a particular job or at a particular location.
- The Select option toggles the list into and out of select mode. When the list is in select mode, each employee can be selected for a bulk operation.
As illustrated below, the filter has been set to include only employees with activity for the day. On the left, the list is not in Select mode and tapping the employee will show the Employee Time Sheet for that employee. On the right, the list has been placed into Select Mode and tapping the employee will select or de-select the employee. Notice that additional options are available once employees are selected.
The following options will be enabled when in select mode.
- Select All - selects and de-selects all employees in the currently filtered list
- Clock In - loads the Clock-In screen which allows all selected workers to be clocked into a job at the same time. Check out the topic Clocking in.
- Clock Out - clocks selected workers out of their current job. Check out topic Clocking Out.
- Approve - clocks out and marks each selected worker's Time Sheet as approved (done for the day.) Only available if company settings do not require signatures. Check out the topic Approving Time Sheets.
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